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Monday, December 29, 2008

Adsense Strategy for Blog

I might have titled this “Does Adsense work for blogs?” but I suspect it’s based on the blog (I know other US residents whose blogs create enough cash for them to retire someplace where the cost of living is low). For most new blogs, that’s probably not going to happen. Basically Ankesh uses Adsense to pick up extra dollars to pay for additional traffic but relies on other avenues to make better money as he discusses.

From his Blogclout Blog

On this blog, I’ve placed Adsense ads in three places:

1. Just above the Title of all blog posts.

2. In the Sidebar.

3. Above Comments in the single post pages.

Because of that, one of the most common questions I get (especially from beginner bloggers) is: should they place Adsense on their blogs too?

Should You Place Adsense Ads on Your Blog?

My answer:

* Yes place Adsense ads on your blogs.
* But not to make money from it.
* But to increase traffic to your blogs.

Adsense is not a good source to make money. The payout on average is $1 to $1.5 per 1000 page views. So if you receive 10,000 page views a month, you will earn a whooping $10! Maybe good for a pizza. Not something you can retire on.

So why use Adsense at all?

1. Adsense ads are the most “relevant” ads. I like Adsense over other ad networks or manual ad placement only because of that one reason: relevancy.

2. But the main reason to place Adsense (or any other ads) on your blog is: to increase your blog traffic.

Any money I make from Adsense, I pump back into promoting this blog.

Action Summary:

* Place Adsense codes on your blog. But don’t expect to make a lot of money out of it.
* Use the little money you earn from Adsense to promote your blog. (Read this blog regularly and I’ll share with you the best places to pay and promote your blog.)


At 3:32 AM, Blogger Don Reed said...

Good job and good information. This should lead anyone wanting to make money online in the right direction.

At 6:49 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

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At 4:46 AM, Blogger FREE ALL CARDS said...

I use these tips myself. They sure had brought great results.

More power!

At 4:21 PM, Blogger Barman said...

good blog!keep up the good work.

At 6:09 PM, Blogger SAMSUL said...

nice post. is it adsense really works with u?

At 10:30 PM, Blogger Nisar said...

A very well written article. It atleast cleared a wrong belief that I can earn a lot with a single blog with minimum effort. Now I've to rethink my strategy.


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