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Saturday, May 19, 2007

US$8000 only with US$1 (e-gold

Dear Friends...

I want to know what is your target and achievement this year.

- . Do you want to have fancy cars?
- . Fancy house?
- . Have Big Business?
- . Financial Freedom?
- . Wealthy and proper life?

BUT... How to have all of them?

- . Need BIG capital?
- . Must get High Education?
- . Must work pretty hard?

Could you?

Perhaps will answer all your question above.
At you will have internasional business,
with just starting as low as $7 Usd !

Your potensial income will be $1,111,110 USD !

That's enough....more than enaough to reply all your wish!

Incredible, isn't it ?...
Let's get all dreams TOGETHER with ME!!!!

Visit my site :

Always in success!


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Problems or Opportunities

Problems or Opportunities? 

As best I can tell here’s how it breaks down.

Some people see problems as opportunities. Understanding that getting through each opportunity puts them closer to the next one. Kind of going through life with a stair step mentality. Excited to get to the next round of new opportunities because they are seen as ‘steps’ along a pathway. They feel like the bigger the opportunity (problem) the better because that means a bigger step taken. With this outlook they welcome big challenges. They push ahead boldly, as though it were a sporting event in which the opportunities were the opponent.

The opportunity being the thing that must be overcome or conquered in order to move up to higher levels of competition. Thereby bringing higher levels of enjoyment. Enjoying the whole process the way one might enjoy a weekend hobby or the companionship of a loved one. These are the kinds of people who charge out of bed in the mornings because they see the upcoming day as another opportunity to be great.

Conversely there are those who don’t ever want there to be any problems (opportunities). Believing that problems are to be avoided at all costs. In the minds of these people problems are all bad. They see the very occurrence of opportunity as a problem. They get caught up believing that it’s the end of something rather than focusing on the new beginning that lies before them once the challenge is met. These are the people who never confront either themselves or others. They just accept. "Whatever works for you." "If that’s what you want."

These people don’t realize it but they are victims. Accepting what comes instead of actively going to where they want to be. Sometimes they see themselves as peacekeepers. Which is not a bad thing to be but peacemaking would be an even higher aspiration.

Peacemakers lean into conflict. Knowing the only true way to keep peace is by resolving issues through confronting them rather than not. Martin Luther King Jr. was a peacemaker. A peacemaker would rather go through instead of dancing around things. Jesus Christ was a peacemaker. They understand going through is conquering while dancing around is avoiding. Mohandas Gandhi was a peacemaker. Avoiding is putting things off until they are so big and painful that they become, well, unavoidable. I challenge you, as I have challenged myself to stop avoiding things and deal with them. If things in your life aren’t the way you need them to be in order to feel what you need to feel check yourself. Are you resolving or avoiding?

And so the question, Which are you, a peacekeeper or a peacemaker? Do you see opportunities or do you only see problems? Are you busy keeping the peace, or are you actively confronting and resolving those issues in your life that are calling for resolution? How do you view the challenges you are currently facing, annoyances or welcomed opportunities?

Do you look forward to and welcome opportunities that challenge and grow you in the process? Have you accepted the fact that sometimes life is not comfortable but that "real life" happens in the midst of this discomfort? Are you content to accept what life dishes out or are you scratching and clawing in the trenches to pull from life and yourself the things you want and deserve?

Which is it going to be for you, Victim or Victor? The choice is all yours.

I offer these as my final thoughts on the subject:

Those of us who are crazy enough to think we can change the world, our world, are the one’s who will surely do it. If you want to make your world a better place in which to live, start by seizing the opportunities that are right now before you.

Make that telephone call…
Write that letter…
Confront that person…Then tell them you love them.
Accept that setback and move on to the next battle…
Share the gift of ‘you’ with somebody, anybody.
Do something… Do Anything!

Thanks for sharing your time with me. I welcome your thoughts, comments.

Live some. Love some. Learn some. Everyday.

Great Motivation

A Parting Thought on Character
"Some day, in years to come, you will be wrestling with the
great temptation, or trembling under the great sorrow of your
life. But the real struggle is here, now, in these quiet weeks.
Now it is being decided whether, in the day of your supreme
sorrow or temptation, you shall miserably fail or gloriously
conquer. Character cannot be made except by a steady, long
continued process."

Be more concerned
"Be more concerned with your character than your reputation,
because your character is what you really are; your reputation
is merely what others think you are."

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

FOREX Fundamental Analysis

Most FOREX traders rely on analysis to make plan their trading strategy. This article will discuss fundamental analysis. The other common form of analysis is technical analysis. After reading this article you should have a better understanding of fundamental analysis and how to use it as part of your FOREX strategy.

Political and economic changes are the basis of fundamental analysis. These can frequently affect currency prices. Traders that take advantage of fundamental analysis will gather their information from a variety of news sources. They are looking for information about unemployment forecasts, political ideologies, economic policies, inflation and growth rates.

Fundamental analysis will provide you with an overview of currency movements and a broad picture of the economic conditions. Most traders then will combine their fundamental analysis with technical analysis to plot actual entrance and exit points as well as confirming the information provided by their fundamental analysis.

Just like most markets the FOREX market is controlled by supply and demand. Many economic factors can affect the supply and demand but the two most critical ones are interest rates and the strength of the economy. The over all strength of the economy is affected by changes in the GDP, trade balances and the amount of foreign investment.

There are many economic indicators released by government and academic sources. These indicators are usually released on a monthly basis but will sometimes be released weekly. These are pretty reliable measures of economic health and are closely followed by all traders.

There are many indicators that are released but some of the most important and commonly followed are : interest rates, international trade, CPI, durable goods orders, PPI, PMI and retail orders.

Interest Rates - can cause a currency to either strengthen or weaken depending on the direction of movement. In some cases high interest rates will attract foreign money, however high interest rates will frequently cause stock market investors to sell of their portfolios. They do this believing that the higher cost of borrowing money will adversely affect many companies. If enough investors sell of their holdings in can cause a downturn in the market and negatively affect the economy.

Which of these two affects will take place depends on many complex factors, but there is usually an agreement among economic observers as to how the current change in interest rates will affect the general economy and the price of the currency.

International Trade - If there is a trade deficit (more items imported than exported) it is usually considered a negative indicator. When there is a trade deficit it means that more money is leaving the country to buy foreign goods than is entering the country and this can have a devaluing effect on the currency. Usually though trade imbalances are already factored into the market consideration. If a country normally operates with a trade deficit then there should not be an affect on the currency price. The currency price will normally only be effected by trade differences when the deficit is greater than the market expected.

The measurement of the cost of living (CPI) and the cost of producing goods (PPI) are a couple of other important indicators. You should also watch the GDP which measures the value of all the goods produced in a country and the M2 Money Supply which measures the total amount of currency for a country.

In the US alone there are 28 major indicators, these can have a strong effect on the financial market and should be closely watched. This information can be found many places on the internet and is provided by many brokers.

Technical Analysis of the FOREX Market

Technical Analysis of the FOREX Market

In FOREX trading there are two common types of analysis that most traders utilize, they are fundamental and technical analysis. Fundamental analysis attempts to predict currency movement based off of political and economy indicators. Technical analysis uses historical economic information to predict changes in the FOREX market. This is the first of two articles that will explore technical analysis.

Technical Analysis is based on the following assumptions:

1. Price movements are a result of combined market forces. Political events, economic conditions, seasonal fluctuations, supply and demand are all things that can effect currency prices. Technical analysts do not concern themselves with why the market moves, they are only interested in the movements themselves.

2. Currency prices on the FOREX market follow trends. Predictable consequences have been linked with many recognized market patterns.

3. Historical trends can be used to predict current price movements. Data on the FOREX market has been collected for the last 100 years, over that time certain patterns have become emergent. Human psychology and the way people react to certain circumstances are the basis of these patterns.

Most traders consider technical analysis to be of critical importance even though they may also use fundamental analysis to support and confirm the strategy suggested by technical analysis. Unlike fundamental analysis technical analysis can be applied to many different currencies and markets at the same time. Since fundamental analysis requires detailed knowledge of the economic and political conditions of a certain country it is nearly impossible for any single trader to perform proper fundamental analysis on more than a few countries.

For the beginning trader the complexities of technical analysis may seem overwhelming and they may even wonder if it is actually necessary. If you wish to be successful at FOREX trading you must have a strategy. Any strategy can work but technical analysis has been proven as a reliable and effective method of predicting market changes. Many forces can effect currency prices though so technical analysis is no guarantee, most successful traders utilize a combination of technical and fundamental analysis.

Any quality online FOREX broker should be able to supply you with a large variety of online charts for technical analysis. You can purchase in-depth professional charts, there is usually a monthly fee involved in gaining access to this information. There is also free software available to help you with charting. Charts provide different snapshots of timeframes and usually can also have analytical overlays. These charts will provide a broad over view and can also be zoomed into the tick level. Good charts are updated in real time. These may be available on your brokers site or could be part of their software.

You should learn the market and study trends before for a period of time before you begin actively trading. Most brokers will provide you with a practice account where you can place "paper trades". Paper trades are just practice trades where no real money is made or lost. They act just like a real trade though so you can see exactly how your trade would have turned out if you had placed it for real. This allows you to become familiar with your brokers system and software as well as learning about the market and how it moves without risking any money while you learn.

Fakta Analisa Teknikal atau Analisa Fundamental

Fakta Analisa Teknikal atau Analisa Fundamental

Beberapa trader Baru diperhadapkan kepada kondisi yang sulit dalam memahami reaksi market forex , Beberapa diantaranya memutuskan untuk menguasai kemampuan menganalisa, baik itu analisa secara fundamental maupun analisa secara teknikal. Namun uniknya, tidak banyak Trader Baru yang melakukan langkah bijak untuk melatih diri menguasai kemampuan menganalisa dengan kedua aspek serta bagian analisa forex tersebut. Tidak banyak Trader Baru yang memahami bahwa faktor-faktor analisa di market forex tidak hanya bertumpu kepada faktor fundamental.. atau hanya bertumpu kepada faktor teknikal. Salahnya pemahaman Trader Baru terhadap pentingnya menguasai kemampuan memprediksi arah gerakan market adalah banyaknya sumber-sumber informasi salah kaprah yang menganjurkan Trader Baru untuk menguasai faktor teknikal market saja, atau anjuran dari sumber lain yang memberikan argumen paling pentingnya penguasaan faktor fundamental sebagai pegangan beraktivitas trading di dunia forex.

Dengan terkondisinya pemikiran Trader Baru secara salah kaprah oleh karena mereka mendapatkan sisi pandangan tentang trading yang tidak berimbang, mengakibatkan rentannya aktivitas Trader Baru tersebut dengan ancaman kerugian yang besar.

Ketika seorang Trader menganggap dirinya adalah seorang Trader Forex Teknikal, atau Trader Forex Fundamental, dia sedang berdiri pada jurang kesalah kaprahan perihal syarat keamanan di dunia forex. Mengkotak-kotakkan Trader pada Golongan Teknikalis maupun Golongan Fundamentalis adalah satu kesalahan besar yang mengarahkan Trader pada kondisi ketidak seimbangan dalam pola trading mereka.

Apa yang mendorong para Trader untuk mengkotakkan dirinya pada salah satu Tipe Trader berdasarkan kemampuannya adalah ketidak seimbangan trader tersebut menguasai aspek lain selain aspek yang dianggapnya paling penting. Ujung dari pengkotak-kotakkan gaya trading berdasarkan aspek analisa fundamental saja maupun aspek analisa teknikal saja adalah kondisi tidak berimbang yang cenderung melahirkan gaya trading yang tidak sehat oleh karena trader didorong untuk mengabaikan faktor analisa lainnya.

Ibarat kita mengendarai mobil ditengah hutan pada malam hari, adalah lebih bagus memiliki dua lampu depan yang bekerja dengan baik daripada satu lampu kiri saja yang menyala, atau satu lampu kanan saja yang menyala.